
Chapter One :Chapter 1

The dazzling lights, the dancing crowd, the deafening music, all awaken the sleeping souls within people.

Wang Yu turned his head and looked at the woman leaning on the table, patted her shoulder and called out, "Come on, Yuan Jin, let's have another drink!"

Yuan Jin raised her head and glanced at him, her face pale, hurriedly waving her hand, "No... I can't drink anymore, I'm about to throw up."

Wang Yu chuckled and teased, "This is the last gathering of college graduation. Won't you give your buddies some face?"

After Wang Yu finished speaking, he winked at the others, signaling everyone to join in and persuade Yuan Jin to have more drinks.

Hearing this, the woman sitting to the left of Yuan Jin also began to persuade, "Come on, Yuan. Wang Yu has been chasing you for three years and you still haven't agreed. At least agree to this drink."

Under the expectant gaze of the woman, Yuan Jin, with a somewhat embarrassed expression, took the drink and after finishing it, she collapsed on the table again.

After Yuan Jin fell, Wang Yu gave an "OK" gesture to the woman on the left, with a malicious smile on his face. He extended his hand and placed it on Yuan Jin.

"Yuan Jin, you're drunk, I'll take you to your room to rest." As Wang Yu said this, he helped Yuan Jin up.

Hearing she could rest, a slightly befuddled Yuan Jin offered no resistance as she was supported by him. The two of them then proceeded upstairs to the room.

When they got to the door, Wang Yu took out a card key from his pocket, there was a bit of a beep, and the door opened.

Wang Yu walked Yuan Jin to the side of the bed, helped her lie down and stared at Yuan Jin's delicately pretty face for a long time. Just as he stretched out his hand intending to unbutton her dress, he quickly felt something was peculiar about the room.

Why was there the sound of running water in the room?

"Who are you?" A stern male voice suddenly erupted, Wang Yu immediately stopped what he was doing, turned around and saw a man.

Wang Yu took a deep breath to calm himself, though his voice still trembled uncontrollably, "I... I'm the owner of this room, who are you?"

The man's gaze swept around before finally landing on Wang Yu. He spoke neutrally, "This is my room."

Wang Yu looked at the room card in his hand, feeling that something wasn't right, "How was I able to open it?"

The man also realized the problem upon seeing this. He strode forward, picked up his phone, and dialed a number, "Hey, I have a problem here. Come and deal with it."

Not long after the call ended, there was a knock on the room door. Lei Ting went over and opened the door, and a man in a black suit walked in. "Mr. Lei, may I ask what the problem is?"

Lei Ting glanced at Wang Yu, "He suddenly entered my room."

The man in the black suit bent slightly and hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry Mr. Lei, we'll deal with it immediately."

Once finished, the man in the black suit walked over to Wang Yu, politely escorting him out.

The room door was closed once more. Lei Ting took a towel, wiped his hair, and only after lying down did he notice a woman was lying on his bed.

Yu Jin was pulling at her clothes, moaning softly, "So hot..."

Lei Ting furrowed his brows. Leaning in slightly, he detected a strong smell of alcohol on the woman.

He couldn't stand it.

Lei Ting rolled over to one side, hefted the woman in his arms and walked towards the bathroom, positioning her under the showerhead.

Yu Jin quickly became drenched all over, but she was still exclaiming about the heat. After watching her for a while, Lei Ting noticed something was amiss.

Her face was reddish, her breathing was hurried - these were clear signs of having been drugged.

Lei Ting immediately turned off the tap and lifted Yu Jin out. The moment their skin touched, Yu Jin instinctively reached out and wrapped her arms around Lei Ting's neck.

Then, they quietly vanished into the night, following the wild antics of the first humans.

The morning sunlight bathed the white expanse of the large bed, where a woman was nestled in a man's arms.

Beneath her, a pool of red marked an end to her innocence.

Yuan Jin slowly opened her eyes, startled by the unfamiliar surroundings. Where was she?

She tried to sit up, but her body felt like it had been taken apart and put back together again, and every bruise on her served as a cruel reminder of the man's savagery from the night before.

Yuan Jin dared not turn around, as if she had been struck by lightning. Could it be...could it be that last night...?

She tried to recall the happenings of the night before, but the last thing she remembered was going to the bar with her classmates, and then...

Did her classmates order something out of the ordinary for her - a special service, perhaps?

Yuan Jin, trying to stand, caught sight of the scattered broken pieces on the floor, which only added to her unease. Was last night really that intense?

Alas, Yuan Jin could never have imagined that her first time would pass in such a vague and unclear manner. She tidied up with the intention of leaving, but it didn't seem quite right to leave without a word. She picked up the broken pieces, rummaged in her pocket and took out twenty yuan with a coin and left them on the drawer.

Not long after Yuan Jin left, Lei Ting gradually awoke, reaching out to find the spot beside him already cold.

Lei Ting quickly scanned the room, his attention drawn to the change on the drawer. Underneath the money was a note:

"Sorry that this is all I have left. I was very satisfied with the service last night."

Upon reading the note, Lei Ting felt his temples throbbing. Did this woman mistake him for a gigolo?

After Yuan Jin had changed and freshened up at home, she hurried to school. Today was the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and her first day at work.

Half an hour later, Yuan Jin finally appeared at the entrance of the teaching building, what she saw before her left her dumbfounded.

The students dressed neatly, the rarely uniformly-dressed teachers, and the media preparing zealously.

Yuan Jin moved to the back of the crowd and observed the situation, then tapped the shoulder of the female teacher beside her, "What's going on today?"

The female teacher turned her head to look at Yuan Jin, her emotions running high, "Mr. Lei is coming to the ribbon-cutting ceremony today!"

Mr. Lei? Yuan Jin furrowed her brows, and then the female teacher's eyes sparkled, "That's Lei Ting, the overlord of Huacheng."

Before Yuan Jin had time to react, the crowd suddenly became noisy.

A Rolls Royce stopped in front of the teaching building. Lei Ting emerged from the car as it opened.

Dressed in a black custom suit from top to bottom, it highlighted his stunning form. His eyes were devoid of fluctuations, his cold and profound handsome features, the chill that seeped from his bones made people want to back away.

Yuan Jin was a bit dazed as she watched, so this was the legendary Lei Ting?

The media present began to take pictures frantically, the flashing lights made Yuan Jin slightly squint .

In the midst of the crowd, Lei Ting made his way to the stage and sat down. The principal approached him with a beaming smile, "Welcome, Mr. Lei, to our ribbon-cutting ceremony!"

Lei Ting responded with a "hmm," his gaze swept over everyone present, but found a familiar figure.

The woman from last night?

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